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Thursday, June 22, 2006

dau ddeg pump

Being in a room full of my brothers and sisters; praising God for them, praising God with them. Knowing God is there with us. That feeling you get when you realise afresh just how sinful you are, but how much God loves you anyway. Being reminded that this life isn't all there is. We're only on the title page.

Thank you for saving me...Oh the wonderful cross...I surrender all to you...ALL to you...Yesterday, today and forever, You are the same.

Leaving CU and being struck as soon as I walked out into the fresh evening air by the sky. Or, rather, by the clouds.

A sky pretty much full of clouds rolling over each other, but ripples of blue where they don't quite meet and the sky manages to peek through the gaps.

And the clouds all different shades of pink, yellow and grey...depending on where the light from the setting sun hits them...or doesn't.

Walking off campus and seeing...through gaps in the houses that line the Reading streets, where people are sat watching TV and missing this...seeing the clouds finally give way to sky in the distance. And there's just sky.

And then a little further on I catch a glimpse of the sun...just the bottom half of it that isn't covered by multicoloured clouds. And it's beautiful. It casts its umbrella of golden yellow light down over the sky so that the whole sky is lit up on the horizon.

And round the corner, the light bounces off the windows of the houses and shops. And the clouds keep changing colour. Dancing to the rays of the sun.

Amaaaaazin'. Thank you Lord.


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