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Saturday, December 09, 2006

cant naw deg pedwar

Rght now, I feel like today's not been a great day. Not by a long shot. But as I force myself to think of stuff for 365, here's what comes out -

A very long lie in!; seeing Hannah, Ruth, Clare and Bethan (and Chris!). Chris' excitement about cells. This made me VERY happy!; Lunch with Issy and Zarah and Kat; Being looked after; Kat being one of those friends it's ok to just sit and say nothing with; A letter from the hospital awaiting me back in Pompey.

Now, these are all good things. But on a day like today the best thing, the only thing, was that God is still God and the gospel is true (as a postcard I got in the post today reminded me - Godly timing indeed), and whatever happens has to be seen in the light of that.


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